3 Brises in Moldova
The city of Chisinau in the state of Moldova was blessed with the joy of 3 circumcisions for children aged 10, 14 and 15 to enter into the covenant of Avraham Avinu out of the joy of a mitzvah. And immediately after the britot, the community celebrated 2 kosher weddings for Jews from the community…

Shmuel’s Bris in Moldova
Thirteen year-old Shmuel attends a Jewish school in Kiev, Ukraine, and the rabbi spoke about the portion Lech Lecha that Avraham was circumcised at the age of 99. And in the portion of Vayeira, our forefather Isaac entered the covenant of Abraham our forefather, and was very excited to be part of the special nation…

Eliyahu’s Bris in Kiev
Eliyahu was privileged today at the age of 20 to enter the covenant of Abraham in the city of Kiev, Ukraine. He studied in his youth in a Jewish school, received values and unfortunately moved to other places. Last Sukkot he came to a synagogue and said he longed for Judaism! The soul feels thirsty….

Merits for Am Yisrael
The bris on Monday Parshas Netzvim/Vayeilech, for a baby in the city of Kyiv, Ukraine, a family that has remained since the beginning of the war and barely had a minyan for morning prayers followed by the bris. In the past, the brisim were full of people, and this time it was empty. And his…

Elul Bris in Uman
On 2 Elul, in preparation for the holidays and as a merit for the days of mercy and forgiveness, Chaim Yehuda at the age of 49 was able to enter the covenant of Abraham the patriarch, peace be upon him, and Eliezer at the age of 15 to fulfill the mitzvah of the covenant happily…

Tu B’Av Bris in Odessa
Good days for Israel on the Fifteenth of Av. How moving on this day in the city of Odessa, Ukraine, when two more Jewish souls entered the covenant of Abraham at the age of 6 years and a boy at the age of 12 and his name was called in Israel – Levi Isaac. The…