Bris in Israel
The young man came to Israel at the age of 21 and studied 4 months in yeshiva. Today he merited the commandment of Bris Milah and named himself Yisrael.

The young man came to Israel at the age of 21 and studied 4 months in yeshiva. Today he merited the commandment of Bris Milah and named himself Yisrael.
The bochur at the age of 23 was born in Lviv studying yeshiva in Kiev and was named in Israel Joshua Aryeh!
The Jewish priest at the age of 65 entered the covenant of Abraham on Tu Kislev Tishpad, in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. And his name is called in Israel – “Raphael” From childhood he was bullied by his friends and always asked why his friends hated him and told him that he was Jewish….
An adult and two children were privileged to enter into the covenant of the Patriarch Abraham on Sunday in the city of Kishinev in the state of Moldova. The adult who lives in Budapest, Hungary, a refugee from Ukraine, who for several weeks has wanted to fulfill the mitzvah and when he learned that the…
In preparation for Passover today, Sunday, 4 Nissan 5723, a Jew at the age of 45 who was born in Ukraine was privileged to enter into the covenant of the Patriarch Abraham A”H with joy and excitement The Jew came to Israel about eight years ago and did not know what he lacked, lived in…
Thirteen year-old Shmuel attends a Jewish school in Kiev, Ukraine, and the rabbi spoke about the portion Lech Lecha that Avraham was circumcised at the age of 99. And in the portion of Vayeira, our forefather Isaac entered the covenant of Abraham our forefather, and was very excited to be part of the special nation…
At the age of 27, his wife did teshuva which caused him to do teshuva, too. He named himself “Moshe” at the bris. And another bris for a 60-year-old who drove 10 hours from the Carpathian Mountains.